Lilypie Countdown to Adoption tickers

Lilypie Countdown to Adoption tickers

Friday, December 18, 2009

What's in a Name?

So the big name questions. We have been toying between some name combinations and to be quite honest I think Sam is tired of talking about it, so thought I would just blog about it instead.

Here are some of the front runners –

Silas and Aaliyah
Silas and Haley
Silas and Lilah
Eli and Sophie
Eli and Chloe

This week I met with a fabulous mom to be who is using the same agencies we are! She lives right here in Mpls. as well. It will be great to start a network of families adopting from the same country and even orphanage.  It would be even better if we were able to travel together, however they are a little ahead of us in the process as they are officially waiting.

On Wed. Sam and I have a meeting to go over our Dossier, which is the last step in the paperwork process. We hope to be on the waiting list by Jan.!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A few holiday pics!

The 'angel'

Putting on the star - Sam was so excited can't you tell!
Why does he look so tall in this picture. I mean he is 6'3, but he looks like his head is going to hit the ceiling!

Our Thanksgiving table with my Grandma's china!

Stella Lou on Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Oh, the weather outside is frightful!

Time to break out the winter boots as we can be getting up to 6 inches of snow by Wed! Sam and I have been busy these last few weeks between hosting turkey dinner, trimming the tree, and Yuletide festivities!

The day before Thanksgiving we got new carpet in our upstairs bedroom and the ‘baby’s room.’ On Thanksgiving we hosted dinner with Sam’s extended family and then my parent’s also joined us. The morning of Thanksgiving we did the Turkey Trot 5k! We finished in 36 minutes, which is no record by any means, but for my first 5k and having open heart surgery 7 months ago, I was proud of the accomplishment! Thanksgiving was a success with the exception of Sam burning the oil therefore we weren’t able to deep fry the turkey (sorry sam), but nothing that good company and chardonnay couldn’t fix! Sam and my dad also put new trim boards upstairs and downstairs the day after. It looks great!

We had our biometrics apt. on Monday the 1st, which was our immigration fingerprinting apt. Pretty painless and quick. The rest of the day we got our Christmas tree and decorated it. I am not one to believe in things like ghosts, orbs, spirits, etc. (contrary to my sis), but the strangest thing happened. Before we had the tree decorated I decided to take a picture of it for some odd reason (you would think I would do this after it was decorated), anyway in the picture exactly where the star or angel would go there was an orb perfectly placed on the tree, just like an angel. Crazy weird, huh? I will try to post the picture.

We have mailed in our official contract to our placement agency and our homestudy is approved. Our next step is to do 8 more hours of educational classes and then prepare our Dossier. We were hoping to be on a list by Dec. but it is looking more like Jan. If you also haven’t heard the news – here is a hint: